martedì 28 febbraio 2017

Frozen food Doors _ interaction design

Frozen food Doors

This is a door.
The affordance of a door is that you can open it.
You know it by your conceptual model of how works a door.
But without signifier you don’t know where and how open it.

Affordance: is what a product/object can do.
Signifier: perceivable cues are signs indicating what you can do.

The perceivable part of an affordance is a signifier.
A "signifier" is, a sign that guide people to successfully interact with the design.
Signifiers are signals, communication devices.
These signs tell you about the possible actions; what to do, and where to do it.

What is wrong?
No signifier for these doors
(How can I open this door? Is there an hidden handle or is it an automatic door?)

Design should always disclosure the signifier
(Handles or some colored sign on the frame)

March 2017 UPDATE
The same supermarket decided to add classical handles


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