lunedì 17 aprile 2017

The UX Design Success Ladder

The UX Design Success Ladder: Achieving Meaningful Product Design
by Ward Andrews

The UX Design Success Ladder: 5 Steps to Creating Meaningful Products.
To take products from good to great, we have to go beyond functional requirements and deliver usable, comfortable experiences that not only delights users, but also affect their lives on a deeper level.

lunedì 10 aprile 2017

Induction cooktop

Induction cooktop

What is wrong?
Bad mapping

Does the left most knob control the left front or left read burner?

Errol R. Hoffmann & Alan H.S. Chan (2011): Alternative approaches to the design of four-burner stoves,
Ergonomics, 54:9, 777-791

Useful features to consider when buying an induction hob.

The arrangement of knobs controlling your stove burners should match the arrangement of the burners themselves.

What is wrong?

What can I do? How? Where?

- Too small icons (see the Fitts’s law*)
- Non-intuitive interface 
  (in an emergency you may waste time in choosing the right icon) 

* Fitts's Law states "...the time to acquire a target is a function of the distance to and size of the target". As the distance increases, movement takes longer and as the size decreases selection again takes longer.

A big knob (real or virtual) is better than a small icon on the glass 

Perceived affordance: you can increase the selected power
Signifier (the where and the how): twisting the knob 


LED surface lights shine onto pans to give the visual of gas cooking

lunedì 3 aprile 2017

37+ Extraordinary Ways To Use Everyday Objects Differently

37+ Extraordinary Ways To Use Everyday Objects Differently
by Stacey Graham
Suitcase Table
Did you know light bulbs can be used as vases, milk jugs turned into shovels, and wine corks transformed into business card holders? Everyday objects can be used in a multitude of ways other than those originally intended.

You can make everything from emergencies supplies or substitutes to creative crafts and gifts with common household items and a little creativity. Upcycle old magazines or bags, transform plastic spoons and t-shirts, or just cobble together a star ship from office supplies.

For dozens of awesome ideas on how to use everyday objects in different ways, read on.



Each month, UX Design Edge offers FREE webinars on a variety of provocative, important topics. Here are the upcoming webinar dates:

Deyan's Experiences

Deyan's Experiences
Usability and User Experience in everyday life
by Deyan Halachliyski

What do we see here?
  • on/off button (that’s clear)
  • knob with some red and blue markings on the bottom

What do I need to know when washing my hands?
  • how to regulate the water temperature
  • how to regulate the water flow

Difference Between UX and UI Design

Difference Between UX and UI Design

When companies began to establish a presence on the Internet, they hired web designers to create those websites – general practitioners of sorts. Once web design became more complex, however, specialization developed. So, now we have UX and UI designers, each with their specific facets of web design. These terms are often used interchangeagably, however, and there is some disagreement as to what exactly each specialty entails. So here is a basic definition of each.

Article by JohnUnger